
2010 Men s Urban Jewelry Fashion Trends-Replica Watches

Is your jewelry ready for 2010 It s a new year in men s urban jewelry. Styles are shifting and trends are forming. An exciting flash of new products is heating up the market as new designers amp up the creativity, and as new demands make an economic impact. Here s how to keep your bling going strong in 2010.


Hip-hop jewelry is still in, but it s changing. Now, the distinctives of hip-hop and iced out bling are going mainstream. As they do, new jewelry will have carry a bit of the Goth look, and especially some elements of rock jewelry. Christian Audigier is blazingly popular, and his penchant for churning out hot new products on the jewelry scene is well known. The Audigier style favors more silver with lots of black accent and delicate designs reflecting the tattoo theme that he has made popular. Overall, 2010 jewelry trends should reflect a bit of the downer that the economy has experienced. All-out blingy is still ok, but a toned-down approach is perfectly appropriate as well. Here are six tips to keep your jewelry current.

Go Blackout.

Heavy, dark, blackout pieces are a sure trend. The beauty of blackout is that it is subtle in a flashy sort of way. Yes, it s darker-toned, but at the same time it has an eye-catching appeal that mesmerizes and attracts. Black gold is certainly a growing trend, as is anything laced with cubic zirconia diamonds. Getting a whole blackout set dog tags, bracelets, studs, and pendants is a great idea. A new trend, featuring black diamonds is also growing in popularity.

Flying Colors

This year s colors are the classics black, red, green, and blue. Primary colors are important for their simplicity and boldness. Metals dyed with any of these colors will ensure that you re current. While colors are fine, keep them in the accents and throw in plenty of cubic zirconias for good measure.

Rock Your Bling

The rock influence should not be understated in 2010 jewelry. Go with skulls for the hard look. Daggers, heavy chains, the leaf, wings, and bones are also nice touches to make the rock influence felt. Think tattoo designs, especially. Anything Ed Hardyish or tattoo-style has a very good chance of being extremely popular.

Get Grainy

Influenced by sustainability and naturalists, leather is getting a new look. And with the renewed interest in leather are some hot bling items like leather cuff bracelets, leather pendants, and studded leather belts all definitely popular. Subtle color is ok, but the hottest leather look is going to be black or dark, and full of silver studs.

Game Bling

Beginning this spring, especially as March madness gets rolling, you ll see a lot of sports bling. This can be team-specific jewelry, but is more often going to feature basketballs and Michael Jordan memorabilia.

Yellow Stays

Although the trend has been heavy toward black and silver, there will still be a strong presence of yellow gold bling this year. This old school look of solid yellow is never going out of style.

2010 Men's Urban Jewelry Fashion Trends

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